Monthly Archives: April 2014

Whole Grain Sampling Day!

In the newsletter and blog for the Whole Grains Council, they featured some pictures of me at Ashley Hall and Whole Foods! Check it out here:  

Whole Foods Whole Grain Sampling Day

Here are some pictures from Whole Grain Sampling Day at Whole Foods! It was very successful! We gave out a lot of samples to customers and they asked us where they can find these grains to try at home! I was giving out recipes and giving cooking instructions! It was great to work with Danielle, […]

Ashley Hall Whole Grain Sampling Day

Here are some pictures of Whole Grain Sampling Day at my school! It was a huge success, and the grains were delicious! Our chef got so many compliments and requests for more grains, that he is going to add even more grains into our lunch menus! Awesome!