Tag Archives: healthy eating

Weekly Update 25

This week, I finished my cookbook! It has been a long process, but I finished it! I ordered one copy to read over and make sure it looks good, before I order the rest! This week I also went to MUSC with my friend to observe a Down syndrome clinic. It was very interesting and […]

Weekly Update 21

This week, I have been doing a lot of work on my cookbook! I have compiled 28 out of my 30 recipes, and I am adding them into the template with photos. It is very time consuming because of all of the photo editing, shaping, and arranging that goes into the book. Here are some […]

Whole Grain Short Video Summaries

This week, I watched several short videos on YouTube about whole grains. They were posted by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service and the dietitian that made the videos is named Liz Weiss, MS, RD. The first video was called Whole Grains For Healthy Family Meals, and she talked about cooking once and eating twice. […]

“Supersize Me” Movie Summary

“Supersize Me” was a very interesting movie that portrayed the dangers of fast food. In the movie, one man in excellent shape and very healthy decides to spend one month eating only fast food. In the end of the movie, he gains 25 pounds and overall feels very unhealthy. He has low energy and his […]

Weekly Update 12

This week I read two articles, the “Grain of Truth” and “Not All Whole-Grain Foods Are Created Equal.” “Grain of Truth” was a very interesting and funny article satirizing all of the diets that are popular across the world. All of these diets say they will help you in some certain ways, which are better […]

Weekly Update 11

This week I read two articles from the American Diabetes Association and the New York Times. The theme of the article from the Diabetes Association was if you are going to eat grains, make sure you eat the most nutritious whole grains you can. The New York Times article also provided lots of ways to […]

The Whole Story Article Summary

This article is from the New York Times and was written by Mark Bittman. This article explores recipes using whole grains and their rise in popularity. Americans are willing to pay a lot of money for these whole grains, because the health benefits are so significant. Over the passed several decades, we have uncovered hundreds […]

Grains and Starchy Vegetables Article Summary

This article is from the American Diabetes Association. It talks about whether whole grains help you lose weight or make you gain weight. Unfortunately, there is not a distinct answer, but do they help people with diabetes manage their glucose? So, the bottom line is if you are going to eat grains, eat the most nutritious […]

USDA Whole Grain Article Summaries

These articles are from the United States Department of Agriculture and they provide the general guidelines for whole grain consumption for a healthy diet. The first article analyzes what whole grains, defining them as grains that contain the entire grain kernel – the bran, germ, and endosperm. The article goes on to discuss refined grains, […]

Weekly Update 9

This week I did a lot! First of all, I read a case study titled “Whole Grains and Human Health” by the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota and Joanne Slavin. The article was very interesting and you can read my full summary here: https://madelineleadem.wordpress.com/2013/10/27/whole-grains-and-human-health-article-review/. I also developed two new recipes this […]