In the newsletter and blog for the Whole Grains Council, they featured some pictures of me at Ashley Hall and Whole Foods! Check it out here:  

Here are some pictures from Whole Grain Sampling Day at Whole Foods! It was very successful! We gave out a lot of samples to customers and they asked us where they can find these grains to try at home! I was giving out recipes and giving cooking instructions! It was great to work with Danielle, […]

Here are some pictures of Whole Grain Sampling Day at my school! It was a huge success, and the grains were delicious! Our chef got so many compliments and requests for more grains, that he is going to add even more grains into our lunch menus! Awesome!    

Here is the menu for what we will be serving at my school for Whole Grain Sampling Day on Wednesday!

Sorry for the short break and lack of posts! I took last week to relax with my family over spring break, but I am back to blogging, to wrap up my senior project! This year has flown by so quickly and I don’t want it to end! I just got my first cookbook in the […]

This week, I finished my cookbook! It has been a long process, but I finished it! I ordered one copy to read over and make sure it looks good, before I order the rest! This week I also went to MUSC with my friend to observe a Down syndrome clinic. It was very interesting and […]

This week I got so much work done! First of all, I read two articles, “The Whole Truth” and “Whole Grains: The Inside Story.” I posted a very detailed summary about the two on my blog! This week, I also wrote the introduction, summary, and biography for my cookbook. I also edited every single page […]

“The Whole Truth” is an article written by Bonnie Liebman and Jayne Hurley. It is very interesting and investigates different titles placed on products to induce consumers to purchase them. For example, they explore “harvest wheat,” “multigrain,” and “whole grain” products. They also looked at products that said they reduced heart disease and cancer, were […]

Today I read an article titled, “Whole Grains: The Inside Story.” It was very interesting and I learned a lot! The article cited several case studies to give evidence to back up their claims. So, the first subject was heart disease. Why eat more whole grains? Cardiovascular disease is the main reason. According to the […]

This week, I have been working some more on my cookbook. I am finishing the layouts and editing the recipes. The cookbook is taking me a lot longer than I thought it would because I have to standardize all of the words. For example, when I was scribbling the recipes, some of them I would […]